Manila Killa – Fix You (Coldplay Uplifter Remix)

There are few artists that with every song they put out, I will absolutely love. One such artist is Manila Killa. Now I’m not an overly huge fan of Coldplay, but Manila absolutely kills this track. I want to make sure to let you know that this isn’t a mashup, but rather original production to create a remix to Coldplay’s Fix You track. It has a chill element at the beginning but once the beat starts picking up, you’re definitely in for a treat. Manila has let me know that he is wanting to start putting out original music, and if this is any indication for what he will produce in the future then I like the direction he is headed in. Take a listen and download below…

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Manila Killa

So Manila Killa has been part of the Swagged Out crew for both Vols. 1 & 2 (Vol. 2 here), and I’ve taken to a listen to a couple of his tracks but for some insane reason I hadn’t posted him up on B!NM. BIG BIG MISTAKE on my part because this guy has some mad skills when it comes to pairing and mashing songs. For most of his tracks I hadn’t heard the acapellas and instrumentals paired together before so it’s a new, refreshing, and invigorating breath of life into the Mashup genre. Check out a healthy dose of Manila Killa below and support the artist hereContinue reading

Swagged Out Vol. 2 – Make Sure You’re Swagged Out for the Weekend

The monster album: Swagged Out Vol. 2 is finally out. Man it feels good to say that, and it feels even better to hear the tracks on the album. 19 tracks, 19 different artists each with their own unique style. Some tracks are A + B mashes, some resemble the mashups of Girl Talk, while others implement the use of electro and/or dubstep to act as the main beat of their mash. Either way, you’re going to find tracks that you will enjoy…guaranteed. I’ve heard most of these artists, save for a few, and having all of them on one album is a blessing for the mashup community. So get to listening below, and download all that you want after the jump…

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